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Mei Ke

Name Pronunciation: m-AY k-UH | 中文名字: 柯梅 

Mei’s (they/them) dynamic career boasts 6 years of experience in research and consulting across the gaming industry, military intelligence, and government analysis. They have a proven track record of leading research projects from start to finish, guiding project viability shot calls, and providing actionable insights through mixed methods data analysis across multiple levels of stakeholders.

Professional Experience

Senior Researcher \\ 2K

Santa Monica, CA | April 2024 - Present

Lead Researcher on a multiplayer R&D game at 2K, a publisher of titles such as Grand Theft Auto, Civilizations, and NBA2K. 

Researcher \\ Riot Games 

Santa Monica, CA | Sept 2022 - April 2024

Researcher on League of Legends, a live-service game with 100 million global users and over $1 billion in annual revenue

Consultant \\ Superfriendly 

Santa Monica, CA | Aug 2018 - Present

Research Associate // The Raben Group

San Diego, CA | Aug 2021 - Dec 2021

Related Experience

Research Assistant \\ Congressman Scott Peters 

San Diego, CA | Jan 2020 - March 2020

Research Assistant \\ NAVWAR Pacific

San Diego, CA | Jun 2019 - August 2019


UC San Diego \\ Master of International Affairs 

San Diego, CA | 2018 - 2020

Baylor University \\  Bachelor of Arts in International Studies 

Waco, TX | 2014 - 2018


Research Design \\ User Interviews \\ Focus Groups \\ Survey Design & Assessment \\ Qualtrics \\ Usability Testing \\ Data Analysis \\ Playtesting \\ Journey Maps \\ Ethnography \\ Personas \\ Chinese (Mandarin)