Intelligence Analysis

Mei's Intelligence Background

Mei's expertise is in mixed methods research such as data mining, primary, and secondary qualitative analysis. They also have an extensive background in mapping trade routes and disease surveillance. Please note that most of Mei's previous intelligence work was done under security clearance and therefore cannot be shared publicly. If you want to learn about their work, please email them.

Qualitative Skills

Quantitative Skills

Software Skills

Case Studies

Russian A-50 plane taxiing on a runway.
Source: BBC News. Image Caption: Russian A-50 plane taxiing on a runway.

The Twilight War that Never Happened

China and Russia are Getting Bolder

Mei's intelligence analysis frequently comprised succinct one-page briefings tailored for leadership. This particular study delves into the collaborative maneuvers executed by China and Russia over contested Japanese territory in August 2020. Leveraging data analysis techniques, Mei systematically examined the historical frequency of provocations orchestrated by the joint forces of China and Russia leading up to this specific incident. Additionally, Mei conducted a comprehensive review of primary and secondary open-source research to inform leadership about the most effective course of action in response to such provocations. 

Key Skills 

Two COVID pandemic workers in PPE standing outside a closed building. One worker is standing over a man lying on the street, presumably incapacitated by his infection.

Picture and gif animation by Elena Lacey; GETTY IMAGES

It Only Takes Three People to Create a Tiger

China and Censorship in the Age of COVID-19

Mei's graduate thesis conducted an in-depth investigation scrutinizing China's censorship strategies during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Employing a combination of primary and secondary sources alongside on-the-ground disease surveillance methodologies, Mei systematically analyzed the censorship landscape, providing a real-time reconstruction of the dissemination of COVID-19 information in China. This comprehensive approach facilitated a nuanced understanding of the evolving censorship mechanisms. Mei then extrapolated insights from this research to make informed projections regarding the potential trajectory of China's censorship practices in the future. 

Key Skills